Diet plan: food, nuts, avocado & egg

Diet – Slim through nutrition – The most important foods to show off your abs. You don’t have to spend hours cycling or running, a balanced and healthy diet is enough to reduce belly fat.

While you can’t target specific areas of your body to lose weight, there are foods that make it easier for you to lose belly fat. There are foods that are very fatty or sugary and hinder you to lose that last belly fat. We present you the best foods to help you get closer to your goal! Back to Nutrition and back to the Beauty Guide.

Top 10 Food List

You feel uncomfortable or you are a model shortly before a shooting and want to put your abs in the best possible light? Then you’ve come to the right place. Low-calorie diets are unreasonable, which is why we’ve put together some high-quality, nutrient-rich foods for you. Foods high in fiber are a great way to get full, control hunger, as well as promote gastrointestinal health. Here are the 10 best foods and more tips for you:

  • Almonds
  • Lenses
  • Avocado
  • Paprika
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Beans
  • Chia seeds
  • Apples
  • Sweet potatoes

Lose belly fat in only 3 days

We have found the optimal way to become leaner, healthier and more vital. Just one simple ingredient that will get you to your goal in just 3 days.

  • 1:55 Mistake while slimming
  • 3:43 These are the products you should avoid
  • 5:21 Why an egg?
  • 8:00 Green tea

Food preparation – Here’s how

Meal prep, or cooking ahead and preparing food for a week, for example, is all the rage. Why? Because you can plan your meal for one day and don’t have to worry about anything for the rest of the days. It also helps you stick to your diet plans. The video explains how it works.

Beauty Tips: Diet and more

Are you interested in a healthy lifestyle? Then you’ve come to the right place! Get inspired by our tips from nutrition to natural cosmetics.

Diet for healthy skin: recipes & lemon

The foods you eat affect your skin. In addition to drinking plenty of water, you can also provide your skin with all the ingredients it needs through delicious drinks and superfoods. Learn quick and easy delicious drink recipes that will revolutionize your skin’s appearance here. General tips on substances your skin needs to be healthy are also given to you by a dermatologist herself. No more blemishes!

Apple cider vinegar diet: lose weight & strong immune system

Apple cider vinegar is a true miracle cure. Whether for the body and the immune system or for external use, for example as an organic shampoo. Also for cooking or even for cleaning in the household, you can use the magic drink. Here you will learn how you can boost your metabolism with a simple habit and lose weight in a healthy way that your body will thank you for.

Natural cosmetics: foundation, bronzer and more

We show you how to make your own natural makeup at home that perfectly suits your skin. We also introduce you to labels that sell natural cosmetics with natural ingredients that are healthy for your skin.

Nutrition: Beautiful skin, diet and more

Here you come back to the nutrition overview.